6.24.010 - Beehives
A. No more than four (4) beehives may be established or maintained on any residential property within the City.
B. Any person intending to establish or maintain any beehive on any residential property within the City must first register with the County of Los Angeles and provide a copy of such registration to the Director of the Animal Care Services Bureau.
C. No person shall establish or maintain a beehive in the front yard of the property.
D. No person shall establish or maintain a beehive at a distance less than ten feet (10') from all property lines.
E. Beehive entrances shall face away from or be parallel to the nearest property line(s).
F. Beehives must either be screened so that the bees must fly over a six-foot barrier, which may be vegetative, before leaving the property, or be placed at least eight feet (8') above the adjacent ground level.
G. A water source for bees shall be provided at all times on the property where the bees are kept to discourage bee visitation at swimming pools, hose bibs and other water sources on adjacent public or private property.
H. For the purposes of this Section, a "beehive" means any box, container, structure, chamber or shelter within which bees are kept or of which bees have taken possession.
I. For the purposes of this Section, the term "dwelling" means any place of human
In order to keep bees in Long Beach the two steps below must be completed: