FPPC Agency Disclosure (Form 800 series)

Form 803 – Behested Payment Report

A behested payment is when a state or local elected official or a member of California’s Public Utilities Commission solicits a donation to an organization, such as a 501(c)(3), that is used for legislative, governmental or charitable purposes. These types of payments are not considered campaign contributions or gifts. While state law limits the amount of campaign contributions and gifts, there are no limits on behested payments. State law requires the reporting of behested payments if they total $5,000 or more per calendar year from a single source. Officials must report the behested payments within 30 days of the date they are made by filing a Form 803 (Behested Payment Report) with the City Clerk's Office.

803 Filing Portal

For filings prior to 6/1/24, please click on the hyperlinks below to view the Form 803 provided by each official, appointee or department. If an official appointee or department name is not listed or hyperlinked below, there has been no Form 803 filed at this time. The list will be updated as forms are submitted to the Office of the City Clerk.

803 Current Filings