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Fumigation Guidelines

The Energy Resources Department, Gas Services Bureau will complete all gas service shut-offs ("close") and restores ("turn-ons") before and after tented fumigation jobs. Fumigation contractors (FC) are no longer authorized to perform these services for City of Long Beach customers, effective October 28, 2002. This change in policy is a result of the new Department of Transportation Code of Federal Regulations 49, Part 192, Subpart N Operator Qualification requirements effective October 28, 2002.

To enhance scheduling flexibility, beginning May 1, 2004, tented fumigation may be scheduled by the property owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor. Previously, only the fumigation contractor could schedule this service.

A fee will continue to be charged to the applicant scheduling the fumigation-related services. The fee covers all fumigation-related services provided at the property. Fumigation-related services could include, but not be limited to, turning off and tagging the gas meter, restoring service and re-lighting pilot lights.

Fumigation Contractor (FC) will provide the customer with material that describes the requirements for scheduling this service:

  • The owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor must schedule this service with the Energy Resources Department. (The restore service order should be ordered at the time of the turn off order.)
  • A five working days notification (Monday - Friday = working days) is required to shut off the gas meter. Call for appointment availability if shorter notice is desired.
  • The temporary turn off will not close the customer's account.
  • All A.M. close orders scheduled for a particular day will be completed between 8:00 a.m. - noon.
  • We will not restore service on the same day as tent was removed.
  • Tents removed on Friday can be restored on Saturday provided the premise has been cleared for re-entry.

Service closure will consist of shutting the gas service off at the service cock and installing a blank in the Meter Set Assembly (MSA). A red tag will be left on the MSA and on the front door of the premise indicating that gas has been shut off.

The owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor needs to make sure that the Energy Resources Department has access to the property to close the meter. For example, failure to provide access to locked gates can result in significant delays to the order being completed as originally scheduled. These orders will be incomplete and will result in significant delays to the process.

FC will make every attempt to insure that MSA is not included in the tent covering.

Field representatives will not restore gas service if it appears that the premise is unsafe to enter, e.g. premise has not been cleared for re-entry, lingering odors, etc. The FC must provide the Energy Resources Department written certification that it is safe to re-enter the building and restore gas service.

When a field representative restores gas service, the customer, agent, owner or FC must be present at the time the representative enters the building.

The Pest Control Operators of California (PCOC) will provide the Energy Resources Department with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all pest control solutions (gases) used for tent fumigation. Updates will be provided for any new products utilized in the future.

Any tent fumigations found in progress where the utilities did not perform the close order, will result in the service line being excavated and pinched without further notice at the street. FC will be billed for these costs and may result in other legal action against the FC and the property owner.

No Saturday closes. However, gas can be can turned off on Friday afternoon, with advance notification, but this will be limited to commercial orders or other special circumstances.

For Monday A.M. Closes only- the Utilities will make a best effort to perform these scheduled closes at the beginning of the shift. This is to accommodate for the fact there was/is no option to the owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor to perform the close early on Sunday.


Saturday restores can be scheduled by the owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor.

Mobile Homes

The owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor must notify the Energy Resources Department of scheduled fumigation jobs at mobile homes. We will investigate if the mobile home park meters are owned by the Energy Resources Department - many are not. If it is determined that the the Energy Resources Department does not own the meter, the owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor will be notified. Fumigation close or restore will not be performed on mobile home meters that are not owned by the Energy Resources Department.


The owner, occupant, agent or fumigation contractor must notify the Energy Resources Department's Utility Customer Services of any close order requiring cancellation (i.e., rain, windy conditions) by calling (562) 570-5700. These close orders may be rescheduled with a new five-day notice.

No tented fumigation gas turn offs or gas turn ons will be scheduled on City of Long Beach Holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Presidents Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day