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Customer Owned Gas Service Lines (Customer Houselines)

What is a Customer-Owned Gas Service Line(s) or Customer Houseline(s)?

Natural gas pipelines serving the individual building structures (residential, commercial and industrial) originate at the main gas line located in the street, alley or parkway and run through your property to a Long Beach Energy Resources (LBER) gas meter. This section of natural gas pipeline is owned and maintained by LBER.

The section of natural gas pipeline running from the LBER gas meter to the building structure and/or any other outdoor natural gas consuming appliances, such as pool heaters, spas, barbecues, boilers, etc., is called a Customer-Owned Gas Services Line(s) or Customer Houseline and it is the building/property owner's responsibility to maintain. LBER does not maintain Customer Houseline(s). Portions of the Customer Houseline(s) may be buried.

Customer Houseline

What are the hazards associated with buried Customer Houseline(s) if not properly maintained?

Corrosion and leakage are the hazards associated with buried pipes.

What can the customer do to maintain Customer Houseline(s)?

  • Perform periodic inspections for leaks and inspect metallic pipe for corrosion.
  • Repair any leaks and excessive pipeline metal loss due to corrosion and any other unsafe condition that is discovered.
  • When planning to excavate, call DigAlert at (800) 227-2600 at least two full working days prior to digging. Beneath the surface of the ground, hidden from view, utility pipelines may be present. If you do not know exactly where they are, your digging could cause severe damage or service disruption.
  • Natural gas pipelines should be located in advance and when possible, excavated by hand.

Who can assist the customer in maintaining Customer Houseline(s)?

Licensed plumbers and pipe leak detection companies can assist in locating, inspecting, and repairing Customer-Owned Gas Service Line(s).

If there is a natural gas leak, how do you recognize it?

  • You may smell a strong odor like rotten eggs
  • You may hear a loud hissing sound
  • You may notice dirt blowing up from the ground
  • There may be dying vegetation and/or cracked/dry ground around the pipeline

IMPORTANT – What do you do if a natural gas leak occurs?

  • If performing construction work, TURN OFF any equipment being used for digging.
  • DO NOT light a match, start an engine, use a cell phone, turn on or off a light switch or do anything that may create a spark.
  • DO NOT try to operate gas meter valves.
  • LEAVE the area immediately.
  • From a safe location, call LBER – Gas Emergency at (562) 570-2140 and provide a detailed description of the leak and its location. When possible, warn others to stay away.