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Trainings and Announcements

In Person Trainings

Not available at the moment, but ask us about the ongoing Hybrid CERT Delivery. Reach out to us by calling our CERT Hotline! 

Long Beach CERT Graduation (Disaster Drill)

We are requesting volunteers to participate as victims all Graduation exercises which will take place on the Sunday of each course!

The disaster drill will be held at the Captain David Rosa Regional Training Center, Time: 12:00PM to 4:30PM. Please wear appropriate clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Individuals interested in participating as volunteers should contact cert@longbeach.gov or call (562) 570-2525!

Request a CERT Presentation

This presentation is a brief 30 minute introduction to the CERT program and disaster preparedness for your community. Community members have an opportunity to get more involved by participation in the 3-day CERT class or a Disaster Preparedness Seminar.

To request a presentation, please send an email to cert@longbeach.gov with the following information: Name of your organization, Contact information, Time, Date, Attendance number, and the Location.