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We Need Your Input!

Release Date: 2022-05-18

The City of Long Beach is seeking funding to calm traffic and improve pedestrian and bicycle connections along 8th, 10th, 11th Streets from Hellman to Rose Park.

Neighborhood residents and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in a survey about project design and concerns in the area.

The project will create bicycle boulevards using traffic calming treatments on local roads to reduce cut through traffic and vehicle speeding. These low-stress environments create a comfortable space for drivers and bicyclists to share the road. The project will provide alternative routes for bicyclists navigating to destinations on Anaheim, 10th, and 7th Streets.

To make this area as welcoming as possible to bicyclists and pedestrians, the City needs community input. Neighborhood stakeholders are invited to complete the survey here to share their experiences and provide feedback on what they would like to see.

Community members can also follow GoActiveLB’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to share feedback and get regular updates on new and upcoming projects to promote street safety in Long Beach.