E-Bike Lending Library Pilot Program!
Long Beach is pleased to introduce the E-Bike Lending Library Program. With funding from the Long Beach Recovery Act (LBRA), this program will provide 35 electric bicycles (E-bikes) for a rental period of up to 3 months, at no cost for selected applicants. At least 24 of the E-bikes will be reserved for residents who can show proof of enrollment in any of the qualifying federal or state assistance programs. Through this program, community members will have the opportunity to experience the advantages of active transportation to the community while promoting E-bikes as a reliable option.Selected participants will receive the required program information, such as a participant guidebook, an E-bike training manual, GPS information, storage instructions, and safety guidelines.
Access the
Program Information:
- Applicants must be a Long Beach resident. (Proof required)
- At least two-thirds of recipients will be low-income. That means at least 24 E-bikes will be reserved for low-income applicants. Low-income status will be defined by current participation in one of the benefit assistance programs listed below (resident verification required if selected to participate in the program)
- Applicants must know how to ride a bike.
- Applicants will be selected through a random lottery.
- Applicants must be at least 18 years of age to apply.
- Applicants must have adequate storage and charging for the entire E-bike rental term.
Commuter/ Traditional: eJoy |
Cargo: Boost |
Trike |
E-Bike Lending Library FAQ
Who Do I Contact If I Have Any Questions?
Riders and residents are encouraged to email GoActiveLB@longbeach.gov with any questions or issues about the overall program.
How Much Does It Cost?
This program comes at no cost to the participant making it completely free for Long Beach residents. The E-Bike Lending Library Program is a fully subisidized program through the Long Beach Recovery Act (LBRA) and comes at no cost to participants.
Where Can I Ride An E-Bike?
Everywhere within Long Beach city limits. Long Beach has more than 150 miles of bike paths, separated bike lanes, bike boulevards, and other bicycle infrastructure. Check out a map of all of Long Beach’s bike infrastructure at longbeach.gov/bikemap.
Ride bicycles in the same direction as traffic, even if you’re riding on the sidewalk. Dismount and walk your bike when crossing through a crosswalk and walking on the sidewalk in Business Districts. Find more safety tips and regulations at longbeach.gov/bikepedtips.
It is illegal for E-bikes and E-scooter users to ride on the sidewalk (CVC 21235g). Riders must use a bike lane whenever possible or ride in a vehicle travel lane on streets 25 MPH or under (CVC 21229 and CVC 21235b).
Can Children Ride The E-bikes?
No. You must be 18 years or older to operate the E-bike loan through this program. See program handbook.
Can Two People Ride On One E-Bike?
No. Only one person is allowed to ride the E-bike at a time regardless of age.
What Type of E-Bikes Will Be Available to Rent?
A commuter / traditional E-bike, a tricycle, and a cargo version.
How Fast Do The E-Bikes Go?
All E-bikes available for rent in the program can go up to 20mph.
Do I need to wear a helmet?
You should always wear a helmet for safety. Helmets are always encouraged and will be provided free-of-charge per selected participant from city program staff. However, as of January 1, 2019, it is no longer mandatory to wear a helmet on an E-bike in California if you are 16 years of age and older.
Where Can I Park An E-Bike?
Riders are encouraged to park their E-bikes in designated bike parking locations with bike racks. Riders should never park their E-bike where it could block pedestrian and wheelchair access. (CVC 21211a). For information on how to best lock your bike, please visit our Bike Parking Tips page.
What Kinds of Documents Can I Use to Show Eligibility?
To show eligibility, you will be asked to email an image or PDF of documentation showing your name and active (not expired) enrollment in a qualifying benefits program. Eligible types of documents include any form of benefit assistance cards, award letters, approval letters, verification or state of benefits letters, or school documentation.
You can use documentation showing enrollment in any of the following programs:
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Cal Grants/State Financial Aid
California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program
Head Start Program
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
Lifeline Program
Long Beach Utility Assistance
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Program
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)/CalFresh/ Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program
Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit