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E-Scooter Safety Tips

E-Scooters are a great way to explore Long Beach. While they are a fun way to get around, e-scooters, like bikes and cars, are subject to all rules of the road. Follow these safety tips and traffic laws to ensure you keep yourself and others safe!

Never ride on the sidewalk. It's the law!

Always ride in a bike lane or a vehicle travel lane (only on roadways posted 25mph or less). It's the law!

Always wear a helmet (though not legally required).

 Always park scooters upright and outside of the path-of-travel. It's the law!

Never ride two people to an e-scooter. It's the law!

Never let children ride e-scooters. Riders must have a driver's license. It's the law!

Use caution on slippery surfaces or in inclement weather.

Follow all traffic laws: no distracted riding, obey traffic control, etc. It's the law!

Pedestrians always have the right of way. It's the law!