This is the HIV/STI Resource Line Banner

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections caused by bacteria or viruses that are passed through oral, anal, or vaginal sex. The Long Beach Department of Health & Human Services HIV/STI Surveillance Program collaborates with clinicians, community-based organizations, and stakeholders within our City to prevent and address high STI rates. The infections we are responsible for tracking are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. We work with providers and patients to ensure people are educated on and treated for their infections. The program provides partner services to inform partners who may have been exposed and to prevent re-infection. The program collects and reports data to track STIs/HIV in our community.  The information on this page caters to clinicians and residents by providing information on STIs and HIV, knowledge of sexual health resources in the community, and data related to these infections.

Information on HIV/STI Prevention & Infection

This is the HIV/STI Button This is the Syphilis Button
This is the Gonorrhea Button This is the Chlamydia Button

Provider Resources
Provider Resources
This is the Condom Distribution Program Tile
Condom Distribution Program
Contraceptive Methods
Contraceptive Methods
Healthy Communications
Healthy Communication
Additional Resources and Testing
Additional Resources & Testing

HIV/STI Resource Line

This is the HIV/STI Resource Line Banner

Are you a health provider or community member looking for more information about HIV/STIs?

Call or submit a question online below:

 Online HIV/STI Resource Line
 (562) 570-4321 Available M-F, 8-5 pm

Any information that you share is 100% confidential

The HIV/STI Resource Line is intended for educational questions for providers and residents. To protect the health and safety of our employees, we require that any questions are non-explicit in nature. We are happy to provide general information on STIs and HIV and around topics of prevention, treatment, re-infection, partner services etc., as well as where to receive free sexual health services in the Long Beach area.