The Office of Youth Development connects youth with youth-serving organizations in order to stay informed on different youth opportunities in Long Beach. Below you will find resources and opportunities from different youth-serving partners across the city.

Workforce Development

Paid Opportunities

Futures First

Are you between the ages of 16-24? Currently not working and not in school? Do you need help navigating life, support with finding a career, or better health and wellness habits? Then this is the program for you! Please complete the interest form at if you are interested in joining our community.

Pacific Gateway 
Young adults in Long Beach can earn an average of 100 hours of paid work experience through Pacific Gateway, which offers internships and other resources, including work readiness training.

Find out more by calling 562-570-3700 or visiting the Youth Opportunity Center (4811 Airport Plaza Dr. Ste. 120) Long Beach, CA 90815, open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays.

Paid internship applications are currently being accepted online.

Youth Climate Corps
Over the next two years, the Long Beach Youth Climate Corps will place young people between the ages of 16 to 30 in employment opportunities across City departments and nonprofits that are actively addressing how global climate change is impacting Long Beach. Join us to learn how you could earn money while you gain new skills that can help you make a difference in your community. 

For more information, fill out the Youth Climate Corps Interest Form.

City of Long Beach Current Employment Opportunities
The City of Long Beach employs over 5,300 employees and has over 500 job positions. Positions range from entry level to professional, high skilled. Positions are classified or unclassified. Given the number of positions, employees have a variety of career paths to choose from. In addition, the City provides career guidance and mentoring.

For more information, visit

Volunteer Opportunities

Long Beach Public Library Teen Advisory Group

Need volunteer hours? Long Beach Public Libraries offer teen volunteer opportunities at many of their locations! Check with a librarian at your local neighborhood library to see what is available.

Parks, Recreation and Marine Teen Academy

Teen Academy participants commit to volunteering a minimum of 10 hours a month as well as attending workshops that will help them build on many different life skills. Members will gain work experience by working alongside Recreation staff planning and implementing different recreation programs.

Academy members who complete 250 total work experience hours will be offered a job application and interview as well as the opportunity to participate in the PRM Recreation staff “Rookie School,” which is offered to new summer staff to teach them the latest and most creative skills for running successful recreation programs to help them become well prepared for a job in the parks and recreation field. 

For more information visit the Teen Academy webpage.  


The list below is a list of helpful city resources and community partners with programs aligned with the Office of Youth Development’s mission. This list is not intended to be a complete list of youth resources in Long Beach.

100 Black Men
Alliance for Children’s Rights
Anakbayan Long Beach
April Parker Foundation
Aquarium of the Pacific 
Arts Council for Long Beach 
Assistance League of Long Beach  
Boys & Girls Clubs 
Brave Global 
California Conference for Equality and Justice 
Californians for Justice 
Catalyst California 
Center for Best Living 
Centro CHA 
Conservation Corps of Long Beach 
CSULB Campus Resources 
Disabled Resources Center 
Earthlodge Center for Transformation 
Extraordinary Families 
Filipino Migrant Center 
Futures First  
Goodwill SOLAC 
Invest in Youth Coalition 
Jazz Angels 
Jewel Box Children’s Theater Company 
Junior League of Long Beach 
Khmer Girls in Action 
LBCC College Resources 
LBUSD Family Resource Centers 
Leadership Long Beach 
LGBTQ Center 
Long Beach Bar Foundation 
Long Beach BLAST 
Long Beach College Promise 
Long Beach Community Action Partnership 
Long Beach Community Design Center 
Long Beach Events Calendar 
Long Beach Parks, Recreation & Marine 
Long Beach Public Library 
Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services 
Los Angeles Department of Youth Development 
Love Beyond Limits
Mental Health America 
My Hood My City  
New Hope Grief Support Community 
Operation Jump Start 
Pacific Gateway Paid Internships 
Pacific Gateway Youth Services 
Pools of Hope 
Power 4 Youth 
Sowing Seeds of Change 
Special Olympics Southern California 
The Guidance Center 
The Nonprofit Partnership 
The Salvation Army 
United Cambodian Community 
Volunteer Center 
Voter Registration 
Youth Leadership Institute  
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