Learn about additional supportive services and become an expert in the language associated with homeless services.
Street Outreach (when contacting to help someone experiencing homelessness)
(562) 570-4MSC (4672)
L.A. County Department of Mental Health Emergency and Non-Emergency Hotline
(800) 854-7771
Suicide Prevention Hotline
(800) 273-8255
Behavioral Health Urgent Care Clinic
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
3210 Long Beach Blvd.
(562) 548-6565
National Sexual Assault Hotline
RAINN 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
(800) 799-SAFE (7233)
Who Do I Call FAQ (English) (Spanish) (Khmer - to come) (Tagalog)
Community Partner Resources
Food Banks - Hot Meals - List of Community Partners
Glossary of Terms
Atlantic Bridge Community (ABC)
The Atlantic Bridge Community is a City-owned property on Atlantic Ave. In North Long Beach. Currently the site holds a 125-bed bridge housing program and in the future will be further developed to include permanent supportive housing and other services and resources that enrich the surrounding community such as a low-cost healthy foods market.
California Advancement and Innovation in Medicaid (CalAIM)
This initiative allows the managed care insurers throughout the state of California to reimburse housing and other vital services utilizing MediCal.
Chronic Homelessness
An unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more OR has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years.
Coordinated Entry System
A one-stop access point to homeless services connecting people experiencing a housing crisis to resources and housing in the most efficient and equitable way. In Long Beach, the Multi-Service Center serves as the CES.
Continuum of Care (COC)
A collaborative funding and planning approach that helps communities plan for and provide, as necessary, a full range of emergency, transitional, and permanent housing and other service resources to address the various needs of homeless persons.
Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)
Emergency Housing vouchers provide assistance to people and families who are experiencing homelessness; at risk of homelessness; those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual assault or human trafficking; and recently homeless people.
Emergency Shelter/Emergency Housing
Emergency shelter is defined as housing with minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less.
Homeless encampments are locations where one or more homeless people live in an unsheltered area. These encampments can be found on properties owned by private individuals or companies or owned by local, se and federal governmental agencies.
Harm Reduction
Harm reduction is a proactive and evidence-based approach to reduce the negative personal and public health impacts of behavior associated with alcohol, substance use, and other high-risk behaviors at both the individual and community levels. The City leads with harm reduction while engaging people in conversation and support for behavior change if the person is ready.
Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention Program (HHAP)
The State funding initiative providing local communities funding to address homelessness. A significant portion of Long Beach’s budget to address homelessness comes through this funding.
A bond measure through the City of Los Angles to establish $1 billion in funding over a 10-year period to build 10,000 affordable housing units to address homelessness. As it is a City of Los Angeles bond measure, the City of Long Beach is not eligible.
Homeless Services Advisory Committee (HSAC)
The HSAC serves at the discretion of the City Council and Mayor to make recommendations on policies, programs and activities related to homeless assistance resources.
Housing Authority
The City of Long Beach Housing Authority provides subsidized housing resources to low-income and disabled populations through federal funding. Subsidized housing is provided through both vouchers where people can find a landlord willing to work with the program and project specific subsidized housing where a number of units are supported financially.
Housing First
The City belief that the ultimate solution to homelessness is housing for everyone. In working towards the goal of getting everyone into housing, the City utilizes the following Housing First principles within its services: low barrier access with no readiness requirements; consumer choice and self-determination; recovery orientation; individualized planning and supports; and social and community integration.
Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS)
Intensive case management is a community‐based package of care aiming to provide long‐term care for severely mentally ill people who do not require immediate admission.
Interdepartmental Team
This team is comprised of City departments engaged in homeless services and response including the Departments of Health and Human Services, Police, Fire, Library Services, Parks, Recreation and Marine, Energy Resources, Economic Development, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications, and Public Works, as well as the Office of the City Manager, Office of the City Attorney, Office of the City Prosecutor. This team meets regularly to ensure consistent response to individuals experiencing homelessness, works to increase awareness of services that are available across the City, works to streamline processes, as well as coordinates responses to areas determined to be priorities.
Interim Housing
Interim Housing is a phrase utilized to be able to capture a number of program types that support people with sheltering including emergency shelter, non-congregate shelters, bridge housing, transitional housing, motel vouchers, modular shelters, etc.
Interjurisdictional Team
The Long Beach Interjurisdictional Team collaborates on safety concerns and homelessness outreach. The team includes City staff as well as Los Angeles County Public Works (which handles riverbed and other County properties in Long Beach); Caltrans, the Seal Beach Police Department; the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s department; Supervisor Hahn’s office; Union Pacific Railroad; Senator Lena Gonzalez’ office; Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell’s office; and Southern California Edison.
Measure H
Measure H, the Los Angeles County Plan to Prevent and Combat Homelessness, creates a one-quarter of a cent sales tax, which generates funds for the specific purposes of funding homeless services and short-term housing.
Modular Shelters / Tiny Home Villages
Modular shelters are being used increasingly as a way of providing interim housing for people as they work towards permanent housing. Modular shelters provide individual spaces. This is an emerging promising practice for being able to quickly scale emergency response to homelessness.
Multi-Service Center (MSC)
The MSC provides outreach services, intake and assessment services, case management and referrals to shelters and other social service programs to people experiencing homelessness in Long Beach.
Navigation Center
The Long Beach Navigation Center gives people experiencing homelessness a place to temporarily store their personal items. This critical facility lowers barriers for accepting services that may not allow a person to bring their personal items.
Permanent Housing
Permanent housing is anywhere where a person has an established lease in housing that is meant to be long-term. There are a number of different interventions that support people in getting back into permanent housing.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Permanent supportive housing is an evidence-based housing intervention that combines on-going rental assistance with supportive services such as health and mental health care for chronically homeless households and those with significant barriers to maintaining housing.
Project HomeKey (PHK)
The State of California, through a utilization of federal and state funding, worked with jurisdictions to purchase motel/hotels as well as other spaces that could be rapidly converted to operate as either interim housing or permanent supportive housing.
Project RoomKey (PRK)
Project RoomKey was an initiative during the pandemic to ensure that those experiencing homelessness with the greatest medical vulnerability were able to safely shelter in place. This allowed jurisdictions to lease motels and provide supportive services on site through FEMA reimbursement.
Rapid Rehousing
Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed.
REACH (Restorative Engagement to Achieve Collective Health) is a multi-disciplinary team which consist of a Mental Health Clinician, Public Health Nurse/Registered Nurse, and outreach worker. This team engages people experiencing homelessness in the City of Long Beach with the emphasis of prioritizing individuals that need a higher-level support in relation to their mental health, physical health, and housing. In addition, the REACH team will divert 911 calls that is related to people experiencing homelessness where they will be dispatched to requests throughout the city, providing an alternative response.
Safe Parking
Safe Parking is a parking lot or designated space where people can park and sleep in their vehicle overnight. Programs typically provide security, restrooms and connections to services.
Sheltered homelessness
Anyone who is residing in an interim housing program.
Supportive housing
Supportive housing is housing with no limit on length of stay that is linked to onsite or offsite service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving their health status and maximizing their ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.
Transitional housing/supportive transitional housing
Supportive transitional housing is defined as buildings configured as rental housing developments but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance.
Unsheltered homelessness
Anyone who is residing in a place not meant for human habitation. This includes people living in abandoned buildings, garages, tents, makeshift shelters, vehicles or on the street.