About Us
Human Resources is an internal service department and our customers are other City departments. Our job is to provide the support they need to assist them in accomplishing their service objectives, and to ensure that salaries, benefits, and working conditions are competitive enough to attract, retain and motivate our employees.
The Human Resources Department is organized into three bureaus aside from the Executive Office (not a bureau): Personnel Operations, Labor Relations, and Risk Management.
Our Bureaus:
Executive Office:
This Bureau enables the Director of Human Resources to provide department-wide management, support, and oversight of Employee Benefits and Administration.
The Employee Benefits and Services Division continually examines opportunities to achieve savings while providing City employees and retirees with a quality, competitive healthcare program in order to promote a healthy, stable workforce. Staff within the Employee Benefits and Services Division engages in the following tasks to ensure efficient administration of the program: premium collections and reconciliation summaries, contribution and disbursement summaries, respond to benefits-related inquires and requests, provides staff support to the Health Insurance Advisory Committee.
Personnel Operations:
Personnel Operations Bureau staff provides support and assists other City departments in accomplishing their service objectives by ensuring that departments are knowledgeable in, and consistently apply, the vast array of personnel policies and procedures contained in the City Charter, Salary Resolution, Personnel Ordinance, Memoranda of Understanding, Administrative Regulations, and state and federal laws. The Personnel Operations Bureau works behind the scenes in assisting other City departments toward the City's primary objective of "working together to serve" the citizens of Long Beach.
The Bureau includes the Employee Training & Engagement section which oversees the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office and employee training and development. For EEO, the section handles allegations of harassment/discrimination, responds to regulatory agencies, i.e. the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the State of California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), and maintains employee demographic information by ethnicity and gender. For training, the section strives to provide a comprehensive citywide training program for all levels within the organization, as well as assessing and determining the training/development needs of staff in all City departments.
Labor Relations:
The Labor Relations Bureau facilitates an open dialogue between labor and management based upon respect with the mutual goal to attract and maintain an efficient and qualified workforce with competitive compensation and benefits that will provide support for the City's overall mission.
Risk Management:
The mission of the Risk Management Bureau of the Human Resources Department of the City of Long Beach is to create and maintain the following: Increased safety consciousness and risk awareness among all employees; adequate protection of the City's human and physical resources and sources of revenue; increased familiarity with and preparation for potential catastrophes; and good risk economics which balance protective measures, risk assumption, and proper insurance coverage.