Community Development

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Process

  The City of Long Beach is committed to encouraging and supporting the installation of rooftop solar PV systems. These systems generate renewable energy, provide stable electricity, and reduce pollution. The City permits such installations by reviewing, approving, and issuing most construction permits (electronically) via our online portal. Services for revisions can be completed through the over-the-counter (OTC) process. The inspection(s) for these projects can be scheduled and conducted at the convenience of the applicant upon the issuance of the construction permits.

Submit Electronic Solar PV Plans And Applications

  • The City's Development Permit Center accepts electronic solar PV plans and applications for the installation of solar PV systems online.
  • To complete an application and submit construction documents, please visit our online customer portal and create a profile.
  • For relevant details and instructions on how to submit general projects through the OTC process, please visit Plan Review Service.

For help on submitting your application or information about an application that was previously submitted, please contact our Permit Center staff at: 562.570.PMIT (7648) or

Instruction For Rooftop-Mounted Solar System

If you have questions about the checklist or how to apply for an over-the-counter residential solar permit, please directly contact Michael Carrera, Permit Technician at 562.570.6076 or


Once the permit for the solar PV system has been issued, the installation of the system can commence. The system will be inspected to verify conformance to the PV checklist, approved construction plans, and the applicable code requirements. The construction documents, permit, and the job inspection card shall be at the site for inspection at all times. Access is required to all elements of the installation at the time of the requested inspection. All ladders necessary to conduct the inspection must be OSHA compliant and set up in conformance with prescribed safety requirements. Approval will be granted upon final inspection of the solar PV system. To schedule an inspection, please visit our Building Inspection webpage