Community Development

Board of Examiners, Appeals & Condemnation

The Board of Examiners, Appeals and Condemnation (BEAC) is entrusted to determine the suitability of alternate methods and materials and types of construction; review the determinations relative to the correction of substandard conditions in buildings; and to abate nuisances, hear written appeals regarding enforcement of State regulations pertaining to access to public accommodations by persons with disabilities.

The Board also reviews any action taken by the Building Official in the enforcement or interpretation of the Long Beach Municipal Code or other ordinances of the City or laws and statutes of the State. In addition, the Board presides over Administrative Citation Appeal Hearings as neutral hearing officers weighing evidence to determine whether an appeal should be granted or denied.

BEAC Meetings

The Board meets at 1:30 p.m. and typically meets on the third Monday of each month with the exception of June, November, and December when the meeting will take place on the second Monday due to holidays (as needed) at Long Beach City Hall, Queen Mary Conference Room (411 W. Ocean Blvd., 4th Fl.)

Staff Liaison: 
Angel Arredondo, Acting Code Enforcement Bureau Manager, 562.570.6013

Seven Long Beach residents, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, volunteer their time and expertise to serve on the Board.

  • Janet Lipson, Chair
  • Steve Askin, Vice Chair
  • Ismar Enriquez
  • Ethel Powers
  • Erin Hoops

Officer Election: Annually in July

Term: 2 years (4 terms max.)

Membership: Appointed by Mayor

Staff Liaison: Angel Arredondo, Acting Code Enforcement Bureau Manager, 562.570.6013