Community Development

Downtown Shoreline (PD-6)

The Downtown Shoreline is a Shoreline for Everyone!
We welcome your participation and feedback to help shape the future of Downtown’s gateway to the waterfront. The Downtown Shoreline is a regional amenity that serves ALL Long Beach residents and visitors. We encourage your participation to have your voice heard through the online forums open until September 2! 

Everyone is invited to discuss and evaluate opportunities, challenges and tradeoffs of "BIG IDEAS" that are under consideration. These “BIG IDEAS” act as prompts to encourage discussion and think big without constraints and are not recommendations or design proposals. Rather, they provide an opportunity to explore a Downtown Shoreline vision for Everyone and gather community input in the creation of a preferred scenario that will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council.

Comments and questions regarding the Downtown Shoreline Vision Plan can also be submitted via email to with the subject line “Downtown Shoreline Public Input.” 

Project Background and Goals

The Downtown shoreline area serves as the threshold between Downtown Long Beach and the city’s waterfront and covers the coastal area south of Ocean Boulevard from Golden Shore Drive to Alamitos Avenue. This area is home to iconic residences, offices, hotels and restaurants set amid the city’s convention center, harbors, marinas, shoreline parks and beaches. As the Plan has not been updated since the 1970s, the vision planning process underway aims to create a community vision and guidelines for creation of a world-class waterfront that will serve as a global destination. The Vision Plan will provide a foundation for a future plan update process to take place beginning in 2025.
The City has identified initial goals for the Downtown Shoreline Vision that will be refined and expanded with input from the community during the visioning process, which include but are not limited to:
  1. Inclusive outreach that engages, educates and empowers the community.
  2. A process and plan that respects the needs and perspectives of existing and future residents.
  3. Creation of an attractive local, regional and global destination.
  4. A vision and plan that is economically feasible and fiscally sustainable.
  5. Explore opportunities for hospitality, recreation, housing growth and investment in greater Downtown Long Beach and its waterfront.
  6. Embrace sustainable development and adaptability to future climate and technological shifts.
  7. Modernize regulations, support the City’s housing goals, and conduct appropriate environmental review.

Get Involved!

The City of Long Beach is committed to a comprehensive and inclusive planning process, guided by extensive community outreach and public participation. A variety of online and in-person outreach activities will be used to make public involvement accessible to as many community members and stakeholders as possible.

Stay Connected!

If you haven't done so already, Sign up to be notified of upcoming meetings and project updates!

Downtown Shoreline Opportunities Lookbook

To complement and support the ongoing community visioning and engagement work the Downtown Shoreline Vision Plan Opportunities Lookbook has been developed to summarize the plan area history, and existing conditions of the area today related to land use, urban design and mobility today. The Lookbook can be viewed using the links below:

Past Community Outreach and Engagement

To gain a deeper understanding of local needs and ensure a community-centered approach, the City partnered with specialists, community-based organizations and neighborhood associations. A summary of the valuable insights and feedback received during these processes can be found in the following reports:

A key component of the City’s commitment to an inclusive planning process is the establishment of a Community Roundtable to represent the various interests in the plan area and provide input and guidance on visioning and design documents at key milestones.

The Roundtable will reflect and represent residents, business operators, workers, property owners, and other stakeholders. Its special focus will be on economic development and tourism, resiliency, equity, mobility, housing, recreation, and sustainability. The Roundtable members will assist the planning and design team by identifying priorities, opportunities, and constraints for the Downtown Shoreline; supporting the development of a comprehensive planning vision statement, providing feedback on vision design alternatives, and helping to solicit the participation of the broader community at key points in the process.

Community Roundtable #1

A key component of the City’s commitment to an inclusive planning process is the establishment of a Community Roundtable to represent the various interests in the plan area and provide input and guidance on visioning and design documents at key milestones.

The Roundtable will reflect and represent residents, business operators, workers, property owners, and other stakeholders. Its special focus will be on economic development and tourism, resiliency, equity, mobility, housing, recreation, and sustainability. The Roundtable members will assist the planning and design team by identifying priorities, opportunities, and constraints for the Downtown Shoreline; supporting the development of a comprehensive planning vision statement, providing feedback on vision design alternatives, and helping to solicit the participation of the broader community at key points in the process.

The first Community Roundtable meeting was held on November 9, 2023. View the meeting materials below: 

Community Roundtable #2

The second Community Roundtable meeting was held on January 24, 2024. In development of a comprehensive planning vision statement, the community roundtable provided input and guidance in the draft guiding principles and supporting aspirational statements.  The community roundtable provided feedback on priorities, opportunities, and constraints for each of the guiding principles and will assist in development of the vision design alternatives and solicit participation from the broader community.

View the meeting materials below: 

We hosted the Community Design Charrette, an ideas exchange, that kicked off June 13th with a presentation at the Aquarium of the Pacific.  Throughout the series of events, interested stakeholders, the public and Downtown Shoreline planning team members engaged in educational and thought-provoking activities to help shape The Vision of Downtown Shoreline.

  • Thursday, June 13, at 6 p.m., Aquarium of the Pacific (100 Aquarium Way) 
    Kickoff event with an overview of planning efforts and charrette activities.
  • Friday, June 14, Studio One Eleven (245 E. 3rd St.)
    Small roundtable discussions (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) on specific topics like environmental, economic, and youth and emerging adults-focused planning considerations.
  • Saturday, June 15, Studio One Eleven and other locations around the Shoreline area
    A day of community events starting at 9 a.m. with an "Everyone's Shoreline" roundtable discussion. Walk and bike tours and "open studio hours" throughout the afternoon and evening.
  • Thursday, June 20, City Council Chambers – Rescheduled
    The feedback provided throughout these events will be analyzed and presented to the Planning Commission on Thursday, June 20 at a study session during the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting at City Hall.

We hosted a joint open house for the Long Beach Downtown Plan Update and Downtown Shoreline Vision Plan on Saturday Sept. 9, 2023. View the Open House presentation video and boards below!

Those who were not able to attend the event are invited to provide input by completing our Feedback FormWe look forward to your participation!

In addition to the Community Open House, staff hosted pop-up booths at the following events to provide more information on the efforts and receive feedback:

  • Black Everywhere – Friday, Nov. 25, 2023
  • Latinos in Action California – Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
  • Northeast Village Neighborhood Association Community Open House – Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
  • Promenade Neighborhood Association – Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
  • Long Beach Forward and Libre Open House – Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023
  • Council District 1 Night at the Aquarium - Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023
  • DTLB Roller Disco - Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023
  • Taste of Downtown Waterfront - Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023
  • LA Design Fest - Friday, June 24, 2023
  • Beach Streets - Saturday, May 20, 2023
  • Victory Park Design Guidelines Open House - Saturday, May 20, 2023


For more information or questions related to the Downtown Shoreline Vision Plan, contact us by email at or by phone at 562.570.6194.