Community Development

Stay Informed!

The City of Long Beach values your input on this project.

Please sign up for project emails to stay connected with us and find out about how you can share your feedback.

If you represent an organization or group interested in the Housing Element Update, the project team may be able to provide a virtual presentation or other engagement opportunities for your group. Please email your request to

For more information or questions about the Housing Element Update, please email or call (562) 570-6194.

Project Staff

Virtual Open House- Participate Anytime!

View a detailed overview of the Housing Element and update process and provide your feedback on various topics including goals for the 2021-2029 Housing Element update by participating in the Housing Element Virtual Open House.

The virtual open house is also available in Spanish. Haz clic aquí para participar en el casa abierta virtual Actualización del Código de Vivienda en español.

Upcoming Virtual Community Meetings

Please join us for one of two community meetings regarding the Housing Element Update.  Both meetings will cover the same information, including a project update and opportunity to provide feedback.

For the latest information on the Housing Element Update, subscribe to LinkLB Development Services – Long Beach General Plan Updates and follow @LongBeachBuilds on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.