The City of Long Beach has implemented a commercial food scraps and yard debris collection program to City-serviced commercial businesses to divert organics from the waste stream. This program is part of ongoing efforts to reduce waste and improve recycling across our City. This program collects food scraps and yard debris separately from your normal trash in a new green cart provided for your business.
State Law AB1826 and State Law SB1383 both require jurisdictions to divert organic materials from the waste stream. To comply with state laws, the City Council adopted an ordinance amending the City’s municipal code and adding organic waste collection services for residents and businesses in December 2021. Per City of Long Beach Municipal Code Section “Automatic Enrollment in Recycling and Organics Program,” your business or property must be automatically enrolled into an organics recycling program.
If your business is serviced by a private hauler and does not have organics service, contact your hauler to set up service. This service is not optional as it is mandated by state and local law.
There are several benefits to participating in this program, including:
- Diversion of organic waste from landfill or incineration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create energy or compost.
- Keeping your business in compliance with state and local laws.
- Reducing trash and rightsizing your service.
Participating Businesses
Please contact the Refuse Hotline at (562) 570-2876 for billing and service inquiries, to request additional carts or to change cart sizes, and to report a missed pickup or collection issue.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to have organics service at my business? |
Yes, this is required per Municipal Code Ch. 8.6 and state law SB 1383 as part of a statewide effort to reduce greenhouse gases from landfill disposal of organic waste. Please work with your hauler to sign up for service to be in compliance. If you have City trash service, please email lborganics@longbeach.gov. |
Can I apply for a waiver if I don't generate organic waste? |
Waivers must be submitted to your hauler directly. You may be eligible for a waiver if your business generates either 1) less than 10 gallons of organic waste if they generate less than 2 cubic yards of total solid waste per week, or 2) less than 20 gallons of organic waste if they generate 2 cubic yards or more of total solid waste per week, pursuant to Municipal Code Ch. 8.6 and state law SB 1383. If you have City trash service, please email lborganics@longbeach.gov. |
Is there a cost for this service? |
There is a cost associated with this service. Work with your hauler, and consider getting quotes from multiple haulers to ensure you have a competitive rate. |
What if I don’t have space at my business for another cart? | Your hauler will help you determine the capacity you have at your property to add this service and to right-size your solid waste containers. |
If I own an apartment/multi-family complex, am I required to provide organics service? | Yes, apartment/multifamily complex owners are required to add organics service for their buildings. Contact your hauler to set up service and for educational resources. |
Do I have to donate edible food? |
If your business qualifies as a Tier 1 Edible Food Generator, you must recover all edible food possible starting January 1, 2022. If your business qualifies as a Tier 2 Edible Food Generator, you must recover all edible food possible by January 1, 2024. We encourage all businesses to recover edible food and donate to the community in need. |
Can I get fined for not having organics service at my business? | The City will issue Notices of Violations for non-compliance. Beginning January 1, 2024, fines will be assessed for non-compliance. |
Can my business use a landscaper that self-hauls yard debris? | Yes. Landscape services must meet the self-haul requirements according to Ordinance No. 21-0040 Section 8.60.370G. |
For more information, contact lborganics@longbeach.gov.