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Noise Abatement


Attain as much altitude as possible before reaching residential areas. Use full length of runway when able.

Avoid flying long, low, high power, high RPM approaches. Approach on or above glideslope/VASI/PAPI.

Pattern altitude 1000 ft MSL, large aircraft 1500 ft MSL. Remain as close to the airport and as high as practicable.

Practice Missed Approaches
Reduce power/RPM when safely able after initiating the missed approach.

Noise Curfews
Ordinance #C-7320 City of Long Beach Municipal Code Chapter 16.43

The only active runway from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am is Runway 30/12 unless otherwise notified per NOTAM/ATC (Check ATIS).

No intersection departures are permitted between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. To request a noise reading or noise testing, please contact the Long Beach Airport Noise Compliance office at (562) 570-2635.

Prohibited Activities
Training Operations - No touch & go, stop & go, practice low approaches and VFR practice missed approaches shall be conducted at the airport except between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on weekdays and between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm on weekends and holidays. Except for instrument training, training operations shall be conducted only on Runways 08L/26R and 08R/26L.

Engine Runups - Engine runups, for purposes other than preflight, are allowed only between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, M – F, and 9:00 am and 9:00 pm, weekends and holidays, at locations approved by the airport manager.

Formation Takeoffs and Landings - No formation takeoffs or landings are permitted.


Time Noise Monitors Runways Approach dB SENEL* Take-off dB SENEL*
6-7am 9/10 30/12 90.0 90.0
7am-10pm 9/10 30/12 101.5 102.5
2/5 26L 93.0 95.0
5/2 8R 92.0 95.0
1/6 26R 88.0 92.0
6/1 8L 92.0 88.0
10-11pm 9/10 30/12 90.0 90.0
11pm-6am 9/10 30/12 79.0 79.0

*SENEL (Single Event Noise Exposure Level) is a sound measurement in which the magnitude (decibel level) and the duration of the event are factored together logarithmically.



Aircraft operators have the opportunity to test flight procedures to identify the quietest procedures for their particular aircraft. Aircraft are exempt from noise violations during this testing period. Please call our Noise Compliance Office at (562) 570-2635 for details.


Long Beach Airport Noise Compatibility Ordinance - LBMC 16.43
Flight Instructions: Noise Abatement Lesson Plan