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MacArthur Park Rehabilitation

MacArthur Park Improvements Project

Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.

Latest Updates – September 2024

We’re excited to share that construction on MacArthur Park commenced in May 2024. The contractor has completed demolition and rough grading. For the next few months, the contractor will continue with the installation of underground utilities, irrigation lines, and will begin to install concrete pathways. Construction is expected to be complete in Summer 2025. Please stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your patience as we work to transform MacArthur Park.

MacArthur Park Update August 2024
MacArthur Park Update August 2024

  • May 2024 Update

    The City of Long Beach invites the community to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the MacArthur Park Rehabilitation Project. The ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at MacArthur Park (1321 E. Anaheim St.). Street parking will be available on Gundry Avenue adjacent to the Homeland Cultural Center.

    The City’s Contractor, Bitech Construction Company, Inc, is scheduled to begin construction at MacArthur Park in April 2024 with a scheduled completion, barring weather or other unforeseen delays, by Summer 2025. The park will be closed during this time. The MacArthur Park Community Center and Manazar Gamboa Community Theater will remain open.

    The improvements will include:

    • Installing a new multi-use field, fitness stations, and walking trail
    • Upgrading and expanding the existing playground and safety surfacing
    • New basketball court and lighting
    • Added site furnishings including seating, picnic tables, and new picnic gathering area
    • Installing new landscaping, trees, and irrigation system
    • New park lighting and security cameras
    • ADA improvements to parking lot

    The contractor is scheduled to perform work Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Parking impacts for residents is not expected. Efforts will be made to minimize inconveniences and minimize construction activities during scheduled park sports activities.

    To facilitate construction, portions of the MacArthur Park parking lot will be made unavailable and will be enclosed by the Contractor’s temporary perimeter construction fencing. The parking stalls adjacent to the Gamboa Theater will remain open and available for public use. However please note, the parking lot may be intermittently closed during work hours for loading and unloading of critical equipment.

    A street parking space along Gundry Avenue will be temporarily designated as a blue curb zone and will be made available for the duration of the project. The space will be converted back to a regular parking space upon project completion.

    The contractor encourages park patrons to keep children away from the construction areas and activities.

    Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation throughout this project.

  • February 2024 Update

    The construction contract has been awarded to Bitech Construction Inc. on January 16, 2024. Construction is expected to begin in April 2024, barring weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

  • February 2023 Update

    With the input and feedback from the community through online survey and community meetings, the MacArthur Park Design Team was able to refine the vision plan and develop design renderings for the community at the Design Unveiling Event on November 16, 2022.

  • August 2022 Update

    The City of Long Beach is inviting the community to submit feedback and recommendations for the MacArthur Park Rehabilitation Project through an online community survey available now through Monday, September 12, 2022 at http://bit.ly/clbmacarthurpark22. The City is committed hearing from community members before entering the final planning stages of the enhanced park. Input collected from the online survey will better inform the next phase of design, from the look and feel of the park, spatial arrangement of amenities, to confirm and/or update the programming, and work towards park design refinement.

    MacArthur Improvements Project Survey Flyer

Project Timeline - As of February 2024

*Construction Timeline Is Set Barring Unforeseen Weather Changes Or Other Unforeseen Circumstances

Vision and Concept Complete
Schematic Design Complete
CEQA Review Complete
Design Development Complete
Construction Documents Complete
Advertise, Bid and Award January 2024
Construction Contract Begin April 2024

Project Information

In partnership with the Sixth Council District, neighborhood group AOC7, Friends of MacArthur Park, LANLT, and local nonprofit design firm City Fabrick, public engagement was conducted that resulted in 15 public workshops and stakeholder meetings, 205 park audits and community surveys, and a new Vision Plan for MacArthur Park.

In 2022, State representatives, Senator Lena Gonzalez and Speaker-Emeritus Anthony Rendon, helped secure $8,500,000 to support project implementation and drive the MacArthur Park vision forward. The Departments of Public Works and Parks, Recreation, and Marine were able to initiate the detailed design and engineering phase to bring the Vision Plan into reality. In April 2022, the City kicked off the design process and re-engaged the community to validate the community’s programming priorities and develop the look and feel of the park.

The MacArthur Park Project seeks to create a place of inspiration, pride, and joy for community and neighbors. The improvements include major renovations to the sports courts, multi-purpose green space and lawn, picnic areas, and playground.

The playground proposed at MacArthur Park takes design cues from the riverine landscape found in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Within the playground, shade structures will resemble Thatch-hut roofs and provide a unique space to run and play. The playground itself will feature a diversity of play equipment that is accessible and challenging for all age groups. New seating and resting areas along with carefully located fencing will allow for the enhanced experience of parents and caretakers.

The walking loop and trail will be lined with a variety of both traditional and calisthenic type of fitness equipment.  MacArthur Park will feature multiple installations of smaller picnic tables lined with shade trees and a larger picnic shelter with a pagoda shade structure.  The unique shade structure was inspired in Southeast Asian architecture with its unique roof line and detail. In addition, a new walking loop, re-established lawn, and brand new irrigation, will support a multi-purpose lawn and greenspace for future programming and events. The existing basketball courts will be modernized, brought to standard, and will feature upgraded surfacing, lighting and fencing. Throughout the park, additional site improvements will include new fencing, improved pathways and landscaping, new trees, and new pedestrian scale lighting.

More Information

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