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Laws for Pedestrians, Bikes, E-Bikes and E-Scooters

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Bicycle Laws
E-Scooter Laws 
Pedestrians Laws



Long Beach Municipal Code

Riding on Sidewalks - Prohibited Areas  (LBMC 10.48.070 A)
No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the following areas:

  • Any business district
  • Sidewalks of bridges
  • Pedestrian underpasses or overpasses
  • Sidewalks adjacent to any school building, church, recreation center, playground, or senior citizens' residential development
  • Within the area south of Ocean Boulevard between the Long Beach Museum of Art on the west and Bluff Park on the east;
  • On the northern side of the Downtown Marina Mole (south of Shoreline Village) between Gangway A and Gangway P.

Riding on Sidewalks - Pedestrians (LBMC 10.48.070 B)
Bicyclists riding on the sidewalk must yield to any pedestrian, and when overtaking and passing a pedestrian, shall give an audible signal and pass to the left of the pedestrian only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.

Riding on Sidewalks - Additional Sidewalks (LBMC 10.48.070 D)
The  following public ways shall be considered sidewalks:

  • Seaside Walk south of Ocean Boulevard between 59th Place and and 69th Place, known as the Boardwalk
  • Bay Shore Walk north of Ocean Boulevard between 55th Place and 69th Place

Riding on Sidewalks - Officers Exempt (LBMC 10.48.070 E)
Section 10.48.070 shall not apply to a bicycle operated by any officer employed by the City while on duty.

California Vehicle Code

Bicyclist Rights (CVC 21200)
Bicyclists have all the rights and responsibilities of vehicle drivers.

Alcohol and Drugs (CVC 21200.5)
It is against the law to ride a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Equipment (CVC 21201 and 21204)
Bicycles must be equipped with at least a brake which allows operators to execute to a wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. Handlebars must not be higher than the rider’s shoulders. Bicycles must be small enough for the rider to stop, support it with one foot on the ground, and restart safely. At night, bicycles must be equipped with a white headlight or white light attached to the rider and visible from the front. Bicycles must also have a rear red reflector and white or yellow pedal reflectors. There must be a white or yellow reflector on the front of the bicycle visible from the side, and a red or white reflector on the rear of the bicycle visible from the side. All riders must have a permanent, regular seat. Bicycle passengers less than 40 lbs. must have a seat which retains them in place and protects them from moving parts.

Use of the Roadway (CVC 21202)
Bicycles traveling slower than the normal speed of traffic must ride as close to the right side of the road as practicable except: when passing, preparing for a left turn, to avoid hazards and dangerous conditions or if the lane is too narrow.

Bicycle Path Crossing (CVC 231.6)
A “bicycle path crossing” is the prolongation or connection of the boundary lines of a bike path where the intersecting roadways meet at approximately right angles. Or any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for bicycle crossing by lines or other markings on the street surface.

Hitching Rides (CVC 21203)
Bicyclists may not hitch rides on vehicles.

Carrying Articles (CVC 21205)
Bicyclists may not carry items which keep them from using at least one hand upon the handlebars.

Motorized Bicycles (CVC 21207.5)
Motorized bicycles may not be used on bike paths or trails, bike lanes, or other bikeways.

Bicycle Lane Use (CVC 21208)
Bicyclists traveling slower than traffic must use bike lanes except when making a left turn, passing, or avoiding hazardous conditions.

Obstruction of Pedestrians (CVC 21210)
Bicyclists may not leave bicycles on their sides on the sidewalk or park bicycles in a manner which obstructs pedestrians.

Bikeway Obstruction (CVC 21211)
No one may stop on or park a bicycle on a bicycle path.

Helmets (CVC 21212)
Bicyclists and passengers under age 18 must wear an approved helmet when on a bicycle. 

Direction of Travel (CVC 21650)
Bicyclists must travel on the right side of the roadway in the direction of traffic.

3-Feet for Safety Act (CVC 21760)
When passing a bicyclist, drivers of motor vehicles must provide bicyclists with a three feet buffer between their motor vehicle and the bicyclist. If roadway conditions do not allow for a three feet buffer, the driver must slow down when passing a bicyclist.

Toll Bridges (CVC 23330)
Bicyclists may not cross a toll bridge unless permitted by signs.

Headphones (CVC 27400)
Bicyclists may not wear earphones in both ears or a headset covering both ears, except hearing aids.                    


California Vehicle Code

Bicycle Lane Use (CVC 21229)
E-scooter riders must use a bike lane when one is provided.

Possession of a Driver's License (CVC 21235d)
E-scooter riders must have a driver's license or instruction permit. Additionally, e-scooter vendors in Long Beach require that riders must be 18 years of age to rent a shared scooter.

Riding on Streets Over 25 MPH  (CVC 21235 b)
No riding on streets with a speed limit in excess of 25 MPH unless ridden in a bicycle lane.

Double-Riding (CVC 21235 e)
Operate a motorized scooter with any passengers in addition to the operator.

Hand Placement (CVC 21235 f)
Ride with at least one hand on the handlebars at all times.

Sidewalk Riding (CVC 21235 g)
No riding on the sidewalk unless to leave adjacent property.

Hand Placement (CVC 21235 h)
E-scooter cannot have handlebars above the shoulder.

Equipment Brakes (CVC 21235 a)
No riding equipment without brakes.

Parking on Sidewalk (CVC 21235 i)
Do not leave a motorized scooter lying on any sidewalk unless there is an adequate path for pedestrian travel.

Hitching Rides (CVC 21235 j)
Attach the motorized scooter or rider while on the roadway to any other vehicle on the roadway.

Helmets (CVC 21235 c)
E-scooter riders under 18 years of age must wear a bicycle helmet. The requirement for riders age 18 and over to wear helmet while riding was repealed effective January 1, 2019.

Long Beach Municipal Code

Riding on Private Property (LBMC 9.42.100)
E-scooters cannot be ridden on private property.

Riding on Beach Path (LBMC 10.38.020)
It is illegal to ride an e-scooter on any beach bike path or adjacent to the marina and sidewalks.



California Vehicle Code

Pedestrians Crossing at Intersections (CVC 21950)
A driver shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing at any marked crosswalk or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. No pedestrian may suddenly leave a curb and walk or run into the path of a vehicle if it would create an immediate hazard. No pedestrian may unnecessarily stop or delay traffic while in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.

Pedestrians on Sidewalk (CVC 21952)
When driving over or upon a sidewalk, a driver shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian.

Pedestrians Not in Crosswalk (CVC 21954)
Outside of a marked or unmarked crosswalk, pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.

Pedestrians Crossing near Signalized Intersections (CVC 21955)
Between adjacent signalized intersections, pedestrians shall only cross the roadway in a crosswalk.

Vehicles Blocking Crosswalk (CVC 21970)
Drivers shall not block a marked or unmarked crosswalk or sidewalk.

Hailing Rides (CVC 21957)
Pedestrians must hail rides while standing on the sidewalk, not in the roadway.

Pedestrians in Bikeway (CVC 21966)
No pedestrian shall walk along a bikeway where there is an adjacent adequate pedestrian facility.