Police Department Crime Lab
Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.
Estimated Project Timeline
*Construction timeline is set barring unforeseen weather changes or other circumstances
Space Planning | Late 2023 |
Design | Mid 2024 |
Construction Start | Late 2024 |
Project Information
The Police Department Crime Lab Project enhances public safety, efficiency, and provides the City cost-savings in the long run through the creation of a permanent crime laboratory with upgraded forensic capabilities. The new laboratory will be equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide faster test result turnaround times.
The existing crime laboratory is in a leased facility with a restricted space of 6,500 square feet. The current laboratory is limited in testing capabilities and relies on outside agencies to provide additional services.
The new crime laboratory will be located on level 3 of the City-owned facility located at 125 Elm Avenue and will occupy a space of approximately 21,500 square feet. The new crime laboratory will include a forensic biology DNA, latent print, wet chemistry, toxicology and blood, firearms, gunshot residue, ballistics testing, ballistics testing, and bio waste facilities, along with administrative office space.
Project Funding
The Police Department Crime Lab Project is currently funded by $6,291,000 in the City's general fund.
Project Contact
Derry MacMahon | dmacmahon@hwlochner.com | (310) 525-0681