City of Long Beach
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90802
Long Beach, CA – The City of Long Beach will continue to deploy its Mobile Access Centers (MAC) in select Long Beach areas weekdays throughout January, with new service locations in the Downtown area. The MAC vehicles significantly lower barriers to providing case management services and other resources for people experiencing homelessness, as it allows the City’s Homeless Services Bureau outreach staff to conduct meaningful engagement and relationship building and start the intake process right on the street.
Throughout January, MAC vehicles will be stationed at the following locations from 9 a.m. to noon.
MAC vehicles will also be stationed from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the locations below:
Health Department staff will also offer flu vaccine for MAC patrons from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11, at NAACP Freedom Park (2300 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave.).
As of Dec. 29, MAC vehicles have encountered and offered services in December to 406 people who are experiencing homelessness. In total throughout 2023, the MACs have 3,675 recorded engagements with people experiencing homelessness, and of those engagements, 2,077 services have been provided, including referral and transport to shelter, enrollment into the homeless services system, connections to community resources and basic services. To date, 1,174 people have enrolled as MAC program participants to receive ongoing case management support.
For more information on the City’s efforts to reduce homelessness in Long Beach, people may visit and follow @lbhealthdept and @longbeachcity on social media and follow the hashtag #EveryoneHomeLB.
Media inquiries may be directed to City of Long Beach Joint Information Center at 562.570.NEWS or