City of Long Beach
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90802
Long Beach, CA - Today, the City of Long Beach announced that offices, places of worship and in-person retail may reopen, with restrictions, in alignment with the State of California and Los Angeles County.
“Our mom and pop retailers, boutiques, and places of worship need our support, and it’s time for them to safely reopen,” said Mayor Robert Garcia. “We continue to see encouraging data in Long Beach, and we will proceed cautiously.”
As stay-at-home orders are modified, it is essential that all possible steps be taken to ensure the safety of workers, volunteers and the public. The revised order details requirements and restrictions in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Establishments must implement and post a Physical Distancing Protocol prior to reopening.
All in-store retail operations and office-based businesses must:
Maintain physical distancing to the maximum extent possible, including:
Retail can only open up to 50% of maximum capacity.
Office-based businesses are strongly encouraged to still prioritize telework.
Enact cleaning and disinfecting protocols, including frequent hand washing.
Require face coverings when in close contact with other people.
Maintain processes to identify cases of illness and intervene quickly.
Make worksite-specific plans for operating during this public health emergency, and train employees on these plans.
All places of worship are required to:
Limit attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees (whichever is lower).
Discontinue self-service food and beverages.
Discontinue holding potlucks or family-style eating and drinking events. They are not allowed.
Los Angeles County has applied for a variance to move further into Stage 2 and ultimately to Stage 3. Currently, Long Beach is included in that application and would be eligible to allow restaurants and hair salons upon approval of the State and a subsequent Health Order.
This action was put in place by the City Health Officer, Dr. Anissa Davis, and in accordance with the Emergency Powers granted to the City Manager through the Proclamation of Local Emergency. It is effective immediately on May 27, 2020, and will continue until it is extended, rescinded or amended in writing by the Health Officer. The updated Health Order also includes other changes to align with the County and California’s Resilience Roadmap for Stage 2 related to vehicle-based parades, shopping centers, and in-person religious services and cultural ceremonies. Pools that are located in private multi-unit residences or part of a homeowner’s association may now open with physical distancing. Drive-in operations, including entertainment and restaurants, will be allowed but subject to City-issued permits.
For the latest information on COVID-19, with details on all that the City of Long Beach is doing to keep its residents safe, visit: and follow @LongBeachCity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.