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Alamitos Avenue Between East Ocean Boulevard and East 7th Street Project

Release Date: 2023-11-28

The City’s Contractor, All American Asphalt, is scheduled to begin construction in the area during December 2023 with an estimated completion date, barring weather or other unforeseen delays, by early January, 2024.

Alamitos Avenue will be slurry sealed from East Ocean Boulevard to East 7th Street for an approximate distance of 0.65 miles. In addition to extending the serviceable life of the street by applying slurry to the wear surface, the project will include the installation of painted buffered bike lanes on both sides of Alamitos Avenue, new thermoplastic traffic striping, continental crosswalk markings and traffic signage.

The contractor is scheduled to perform work Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. No parking signs will be posted for a minimum of three days prior to the start of work. Efforts will be made to maintain as much parking as possible.

Intermittent intersection closures may be necessary to complete this project. While the contractor will attempt to open streets as soon as it is safe to do so, we encourage the use of alternate routes during work hours.

The contractor encourages residents to:

  • Keep children away from the street and construction activities; and
  • Reduce water runoff from driveways and lawn irrigation into the street before or during construction activities.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation throughout this project. For more information about this project, please visit longbeach.gov/aaobe7p