Home » Smart City Initiative » Get Involved » Partnerships


We embrace partnerships with nonprofits, universities, coalitions, the Long Beach community, and the private sector. Our vision for a smart Long Beach is not one that we can achieve alone. Collaboration is critical to designing, testing, and implementing solutions. 

Our partners: 


City Innovate

GovEx Labs

What Works Cities


Wonder Women Tech

Open Mobility Foundation

Port of Long Beach

LB Co-Lab: Opportunity awaits!

Join the second cohort of the LB Co-Lab - our community-driven technology program that pairs Long Beach residents with City staff to co-design solutions together. 

Community participants will be compensated $4,000 over the course of their 24-month commitment to the program.

+Learn more or apply today! 

Pitch Long Beach!

Submit your project ideas to help improve City services for our residents and businesses.

+Pitch us now!