Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project
Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.
Latest Updates - March 2024
The project's Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documents are now available for public review for period between March 18 to April 17, 2024. Please visit the Community Development Department's Environmental Reports website.
March 2023 Update
Join the City of Long Beach on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., via Zoom, for an online community meeting to discuss the latest efforts to address stormwater quality. Please register for this meeting prior to the meeting date. Individuals will receive meeting invitations via e-mail. To register, visit:
Project Information
The Skylinks Regional Stormwater Capture Project (the project) serves to address stormwater quality for both the Los Cerritos Channel (LCC) Watershed and the Alamitos Bay Watershed Management Area. The development of the project in the City of Long Beach will help achieve pollutant load reductions for the Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Management Program (LCC WMP).
A rectangular reinforced concrete channel adjacent to the golf course collects runoff from approximately 1,665 acres within the Cities of Long Beach and Lakewood. The project will intercept dry-weather flow and stormwater runoff from the channel and divert it to an underground concrete infiltration basin with 2 million gallons of storage. A portion of these flows will be pumped to a vegetative pond with a capacity of 200,000 gallons where it will be treated though a filter system before returning to a channel. Removing polluted runoff from the channel will reduce pollutant loads to downstream water bodies and improve stormwater quality. The project will also incorporate walking trails, benches, native plants, and interpretive signage.
The Skylinks Golf Course site is owned by the City of Long Beach and maintained by the Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department. The channel is owned and operated by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District.
Project Funding
The Skylinks Golf Course Stormwater Capture Project is projected to cost $10,500,000 and is fully funded by Los Angeles County Measure W Funds.