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Parking Citations

In-person appointments may be scheduled at www.longbeach.gov/appointment/financial-services

To pay for a parking citation online, you may search by Citation number or Notice number. Your citation number is located on the original ticket or on the Notice of Parking Citation. To search by Citation number, you will need both Citation number and time of violation. If you have a handwritten citation with 7 digits, please precede the citation number with 00. To search by Notice Number, you will need the Notice number (located on Notice of Parking Citation) and the 5-digit Zip Code.

You will be directed to a secure third party vendor hosted website.  


If you wish to contest a parking citation, you must request a review within 21 days of the issuance date. You may click the “Contest Citation” button to submit your request. Up to three (3) documents may be attached for review. When contesting, you must indicate the reason(s) for requesting an Administrative Review and include copies of all supporting documents (documents will not be returned) relating to the citation, i.e., photographs, permit holder information, witness statements, etc. The Administrative Review process must be followed in order to contest a parking citation. Please see “How to contest a citation?” for more information.

You will be directed to a secure third party vendor hosted website.

You may also contest the citation by mail or in-person. If you have questions or need help in contesting your citation, please email FM-ParkingCitation@longbeach.gov or call (562) 570-6822.

By Mail:

Parking Citations
PO Box 22766
Long Beach, CA 90801

In Person:

City of Long Beach City Hall
411 West Ocean Blvd, Lobby Level
Long Beach, CA 90802

Payment Plan Information

The City of Long Beach offers several payment plan options to residents who need additional time to pay their parking citation fees. The minimum monthly payments are based on the total amount included in the payment plan. Payment plan options:

  • Standard Payment Plan
  • Indigent Payment Plan

More detailed information on these payment plans can be found in the sections below.

For questions about payment programs, or support in filling out a payment plan application, please contact us.

Email: FM-ParkingCitation@longbeach.gov

Phone: (562) 570-6822

In Person:
Long Beach City Hall, Lobby Level
411 W. Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802

  • Late Payment Information

    A payment received in our office after the due date will cause a late penalty to be added. Postmarks WILL NOT be honored. Failure to clear a citation by payment may result in a hold on your vehicle registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles and will incur a penalty in addition to the above amount. Furthermore, the registered owner may be subject to a civil judgment as well as intercept of your State Income Tax.

    What if I do not have my citation number?

    If you do not have your citation number, call the City of Long Beach Parking Citations at (562)570-6822. Have your license plate number or the Registered Owner’s name available.

    How much is the processing fee?

    The processing fee is $1.59 per citation, charged by the 3rd party vendor. The City of Long Beach does not receive this money.

    How long does it take for my payment to reflect in your system?

    The citation is updated with your payment as soon as you successfully complete your transaction (The receipt page contains the transaction number). If you believe the payment did not complete successfully, DO NOT ATTEMPT THE SAME PAYMENT. This is to ensure you do not submit a duplicate payment. Contact Customer Service at (562)570-6822 for assistance.

  • How Do I Contest a Citation?

    Common Reasons that DO NOT Support Dismissing Citation:

    • I have no money to pay.
    • I never received a citation before.
    • I did not know I could not park there.

    Initial Review- To Contest a Citation at the First Level (California Vehicle Code 40215.(a).

    If you wish to contest a parking citation, you must request a review within 21 days of the issuance date. You may click the “Contest Citation” button to submit your request. Up to three (3) documents may be attached for review.

    You will be directed to a secure third party vendor hosted website.  

    By Mail:

    Parking Citations
    PO Box 22766
    Long Beach, CA 90801

    In Person:

    City of Long Beach City Hall
    411 West Ocean Blvd, Lobby Level
    Long Beach, CA 90802

    When contesting, you must indicate the reason(s) for requesting an Administrative Review and include copies of all supporting documents (documents will not be returned) relating to the citation, i.e., photographs, permit holder information, witness statements, etc. The Administrative Review process must be followed in order to contest a parking citation.

    There are 2 options to dispute a Handicap Citation.

    #1- Contest the citation (CVC 40215) within 21 days of the citation date or 14 days from the mailing of notice of delinquent parking violation.


    #2 In lieu of contest, remit a $25 Failure to Display Placard: Administrative Charge (CVC 40226) to process cancellation of a citation in any case where the individual who received the citation can show proof that he or she had been issued a valid placard at the time the citation was received. The request must include a signed statement by the placard owner that he/she was present at the time of citation issuance, a copy of the placard, and a copy of placard owner’s photo identification.

    Administrative Hearing - To Contest a Citation at the Second Level (CVC 40215.(b).

    If the citation has been reviewed in the first Initial Review and you are not satisfied with the results, you may request an Administrative Hearing. You will be required to pay the full amount of the parking citation by the due date on the Upheld Notice. The Hearing request may be made by internet, mail, phone, or in-person and must be requested by the due date of the Notice.

    The request must indicate whether you are requesting a Hearing in-person or by mail. If you request the Hearing in-person, you will be notified of the date and time of the Hearing and you must appear at that time. If you request a Hearing by written declaration, you may submit additional documents prior to the Hearing for consideration by the Hearing Officer. You will be notified by mail of the decision by the Hearing Officer. If you are not satisfied with the decision you have the right to file an appeal in Superior Court. If you have not received the results within 2 weeks of the Administrative Hearing, it is YOUR responsibility to follow up.

    Administrative Hearing Fee Waiver: Registered owners of the cited vehicle who are financially unable to pay the parking citation penalty at the time of requesting an Administrative Hearing, may request a waiver by submitting a Request for Waiver - Administrative Hearing form and copies of required documents that demonstrate their inability to pay the penalty amount due by the due date indicated on the Appeal Results Notice. Failure to submit documentation by the due date will result in normal processing of the Notice and forfeiture of the opportunity to obtain an Administrative Hearing. If the citation is upheld by the Hearing Officer, the penalty amount is due within 30 days of the appeal decision. If the penalty is not paid within the stated time, a late fee and other penalties will be added.

    If the Hearing Officer dismisses the citation, the City of Long Beach will issue a refund for the full amount paid for the parking citation.

    Please contact Parking citations at FM-ParkingCitation@longbeach.gov or (562)570-6822 for assistance.

    Instructions for Completing “Request For Waiver- Administrative Hearing” form.

    Superior Court- To contest a Citation at the Third Level (CVC 40230.(a).

    40230.(a)Within 30 calendar days after the mailing or personal delivery of the final decision described in subdivision (b) of Section 40215, the contestant may seek review by filing an appeal to be heard by the municipal court, or by the superior court in a county in which there is no municipal court, where the same shall be heard de novo, except that the contents of the processing agency's file in the case shall be received in evidence. A copy of the notice of parking violation or, if the citation was issued electronically, a true and correct abstract containing the information set forth in the notice of parking violation shall be admitted into evidence as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein. A copy of the notice of appeal shall be served in person or by first-class mail upon the processing agency by the contestant. For purposes of computing the 30-calendar-day period, Section 1013 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be applicable. A proceeding under this subdivision is a limited civil case.

  • Standard Payment Plan Information

    Who qualifies?
    This plan is available to residents with unpaid parking citations that want to pay  their balance in monthly installments. A 25% down payment is required.

    What is the fee to enroll in the Standard Payment Plan?
    There is a non-refundable $25 Application Fee to apply for the StandardPayment Plan.

    How long do I have to pay?
    This plan offers up to 12 months to pay your unpaid parking penalties and fees in equal monthly installments.

    What citations qualify for the Standard Payment Plan?
    All outstanding parking citations qualify for the Standard Payment Plan.

    Will late fees and penalties be waived upon enrollment?
    No, however upon approval, no additional late fees and penalties will be assessed while compliant with the Terms and Conditions of the payment plan. Additional late fees and penalties may be assessed if the person falls out of compliance with the Payment Plan.

    Upon receipt of the $25 Application Fee and 25% down payment, any applicable DMV Holds will be released. Additionally, the City will not submit the parking citations included in a payment plan for DMV Holds while the terms and conditions of the payment plan are being met. If a payment plan is cancelled, DMV Holds will be established for the applicable citations, based on the issuance date of the citations.

    What are the terms and conditions of this payment plan?
    Full terms and conditions for the Standard Payment Plan can be found here.

  • Indigent Payment Plan Information

    Who qualifies?
    This plan is available to Indigent Individuals and Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) with unpaid parking citations of amounts of $500 or less and must demonstrate that he or she is indigent by providing either of the following information as applicable:

    (A) Proof of income from most recent pay stub or another proof of earnings, such as a bank statement that shows the individual meets the income criteria set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 68632 of the Government Code.

    (B) Proof of receipt of benefits under the programs described in subdivision (a) of Section 68632 of the Government Code.  Proof of receipt will consist of a copy of the most recent: Verification of Benefits Form or Award Letter for Social Security.

    (C) If the Individual or Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) does not have income or receives public assistance, a copy of their annual earnings from the Social Security Department is required.

    What is the fee to enroll in the Indigent Payment Plan?
    There is a non-refundable $5 Application Fee to apply for the Indigent Payment Plan.

    How long do I have to pay?
    This plan offers up to 24 months to pay your unpaid parking penalties and fees. The maximum monthly payment is capped at $25 per month for amounts $500 or less.

    What citations qualify for the Indigent Payment Plan?
    Individuals and Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) may request an Indigent Payment Plan within 120 calendar days of issuance of the citation, or within 10 days of Administrative Hearing determination, whichever is later.

    For citations issued before July 1, 2018, Individuals and Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) may request an Indigent Payment Plan application for unpaid parking penalties.

    Will late fees and penalties be waived upon enrollment?
    Upon approval, all late fees and penalties shall be waived. Waived late fees and penalties may be reinstated if the person falls out of compliance with the Payment Plan.

    Additionally, the City will not submit the parking citations included in a payment plan for DMV Holds while the terms and conditions of the payment plan are being met. If a payment plan is cancelled, DMV Holds will be established for the applicable citations, based on the issuance date of the citations.

    What are the terms and conditions of the Indigent Payment Plan?
    Full terms and conditions for the Indigent Payment Plan can be found here.