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Santa Fe Avenue Project
City Web Pages
ambitious effort to improve traffic flow, enhance safety, and modernize traffic control infrastructure on ... the project improvement limits, implemented new traffic signal timing and equipment, and enhanced pedestrianURL/pw/projects/santa-fe-avenue-project/
Loynes Drive Project
City Web Pages
compliant curb ramps, in addition to bike lane and traffic improvements along the 0.25-mile corridor. View ... Action Plan for more information on the City's traffic safety iniatives. This project is designed to reduceURL/pw/projects/loynes-drive-project/
Orange Avenue Backbone Bikeway
City Web Pages
infrastructure enhancements, improve pedestrian and traffic safety, and expand connectivity for cyclists along ... Beach initiative with the intent to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2026URL/pw/projects/orange-avenue-backbone-bikeway/
Long Beach Safe Streets
City Web Pages
five years, Long Beach has seen nearly 29,000 traffic-related crashes, nearly 700 of which resulted in ... defines a clear and achievable path for eliminating traffic-related serious injuries and fatalities, makingURL/pw/projects/lb-safe-streets/
Artesia Great Boulevard Project
City Web Pages
replacement, median and median fencing improvements, traffic signal enhancements, installation of ITS (Intelligent ... get Long Beach closer to the goal of eliminating traffic-related deaths and injuries, as set in the SafeURL/pw/projects/artesia-great-boulevard-project/
City Web Pages
Mobility ADA Curb Ramp Projects Alamitos Avenue Between East Ocean Boulevard and East 7th Street ... Street Signage Studebaker Corridor Complete Street Traffic Circle Victoria Street Between Susana Road andURL/pw/projects/mobility/
Alamitos Avenue Between East Ocean Boulevard and East 7th Street
City Web Pages
Avenue, new thermoplastic traffic striping, continental crosswalk markings and traffic signage. The contractor ... new thermoplastic traffic striping, and continental crosswalk markings and traffic signage. Project FundingURL/pw/projects/alamitos-avenue-between-east-ocean-boulevard-and-east-7th-street/
Maps and GIS
City Web Pages
Maps & GIS City of Long Beach Bikeway Facilities Citywide Traffic Flow 2014 Downtown ... City of Long Beach Bikeway Facilities Citywide Traffic Flow 2014 Downtown Long Beach Private ParkingURL/pw/resources/maps/
Colorado Lagoon Project
City Web Pages
3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Please continue to follow traffic detour signs Click here to view the Colorado Lagoon ... detour once reopened until Eliiot Street is open to traffic. Eliot Street: new sidewalk installed and roadwayURL/pw/projects/colorado-lagoon-project/
Harding Street Between Atlantic Avenue and Orange Avenue
City Web Pages
gutters; New asphalt roadway rehabilitation and new traffic striping; and Improved bike lanes with removal ... compliant curb ramps, stripe bike lanes, and other traffic improvements along the 0.44 mile corridor. ProjectURL/pw/projects/harding-street-between-atlantic-avenue-and-orange-avenue/