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READY Long Beach 2015(1)
READY Long Beach 2015 Sabado, Septiembre 19 de 10:00am a 5:00pm en el Parque Heartwell Sabado, ... Septiembre 19 de 10:00am a 5:00pm en el Parque Heartwell Sabado, Septiembre 19 de 10:00am a 5:00pm en el ParqueURL/fire/news/ready-long-beach-2015-1-/
Treecycle LB
Beach! Having a dry holiday tree in your home is dangerous and raises the chances of a fire occurring ... tree! Having a dry holiday tree in your home is dangerous and raises the chances of a fire occurringURL/fire/news/treecycle-lb/
12 Days of Fire Safety - Day 11
Christmas a Firefighter said to me: "When you go out, blow out!" On the 11th day before Christmas a Firefighter ... https://twitter.com/lbfd On the 11th day before Christmas a Firefighter said to me: "When you go out, blow outURL/fire/news/12-days-of-fire-safety---day-11/
12 Days of Fire Safety - Day 2
before Christmas my Battalion Chief said to me: “keep a fire extinguisher handy!” On the 2nd day before Christmas ... Christmas my Battalion Chief said to me: “keep a fire extinguisher handy!” #12DaysofFireSafety #yourLBFDURL/fire/news/12-days-of-fire-safety---day-2/
Renaming Training Center
training facility after Capt. David Rosa In honor of a “dedicated public servant,” the City Council on Tuesday ... fatally shot on June 25 while responding to a call in a senior living facility near Downtown Long BeachURL/fire/news/renaming-training-center/
12 Days of Fire Safety - Day 8
12 Days of ... “practice a fire escape plan!” On the 8th day before Christmas my CERT member said to me: “practice a fire ... before Christmas my CERT member said to me: “practice a fire escape plan!”URL/fire/news/12-days-of-fire-safety---day-8/
individuals who suffer substantial property loss in a fire, earthquake or other disaster. As first responders ... individuals who suffer substantial property loss in a fire, earthquake or other disaster. Created and fundedURL/fire/news/save-card/
Happy New Year 2018
2018! Your Long Beach Fire Department wishes you a safe and happy new year! Let's make this year an incredible ... one! Your Long Beach Fire Department wishes you a safe and happy new year! Let's make this year an incredibleURL/fire/news/happy-new-year-2018/
(2017) 12 Days of Fire Safety - Day 12
12 Days of Fire Safety - Day 12 On the 12th day before Christmas my Fire Marshal said ... #DidYouKnow it takes less than 30 seconds for a dry tree to engulf a room in flames? Be fire smart and followURL/fire/news/12-days-of-fire-safety---day-122/
Blood Drive 8-7-19
Drive The Long Beach Fire Department will be hosting a blood drive! Helps us answer the Emergency Call by ... The Long Beach Fire Department will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at Fire HeadquartersURL/fire/news/blood-drive-8-7-19/