City Web Pages
- Health (155)
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Make a Report
City Web Pages
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vector Control Program: Reporting REPORT A DEAD BIRD Birds in the Corvid family (crows, jays ... control efforts to prevent potential human cases. If you see a dead bird that is less than 24 hours old andURL/health/inspections-and-reporting/reporting/make-a-report/
Breastfeeding Resource
City Web Pages
Program (MCAH) We recognize that breastfeeding is the optimal nutrition for infants and we are devoted to ... be referred to the Breastfeeding Support program. A doctor's order IS NOT required and services are freeURL/health/services/directory/breastfeeding-resource/
Healthy Communication
City Web Pages
Information on Sex and Relationships What is a healthy relationship? A healthy relationship can take on ... relationships, spanning from committed, casual, to open. If all individuals involved are in mutual agreementURL/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/hivstd/healthy-communication/
City Web Pages
BUREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ZIKA VIRUS WHAT IS ZIKA VIRUS? Zika virus is spread to people primarily ... usually mild with symptoms lasting up to a week, and many people do not have symptoms or will have only mildURL/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/zika/
City Web Pages
disasters. If you live in an area where floods occur, you should know the following: What to do before a flood ... the route you will follow. Prepare your home for a flood. Call your local building department or officeURL/health/services/directory/diseases-and-other-public-health-hazards/floods/
H5 Bird Flu
City Web Pages
Providers | For Poultry Owners | Reporting Dead Birds WHAT IS AVIAN INFLUENZA (H5 Bird Flu)? ... caused by infection with various influenza (flu) Type A viruses. These viruses naturally spread among wildURL/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/hpai/
Social Sexual Network
City Web Pages
Network (SSN) Program is an evidence-based program with a proven approach for connecting people at high risk ... paid, and has a chance to become a leader or Stay Connected Recruiter themselves. What is "Stay Connected"URL/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/hivstd/social-sexual-network/
City Web Pages
tiny but destructive creatures have been found in a number of Southern California and Central Valley counties ... they are infesting California and New Mexico. What do Red Imported Fire Ants look like? They are veryURL/health/inspections-and-reporting/reporting/ants/
City Web Pages
3674 OR email Our Vision As a Platinum WIC Program, our dedicated and innovative ... promoting and supporting healthy habits for life. Do I qualify? To be eligible for the WIC Program youURL/health/healthy-living/individual/wic/
Radiation Exposure
City Web Pages
possible source of radiation exposure is a “dirty bomb.” A dirty bomb is a small explosive device packaged with ... exposure to airborne radioactive material. If there is a basement, go there. Stay Connected When youURL/health/services/directory/diseases-and-other-public-health-hazards/radiation-exposure/