Community Development

The City of Long Beach through its Community Development Department is hosting a series of Housing Policy Forums focused on gathering input and informing the community of numerous housing policy and zoning initiatives that are currently underway. These initiatives will encourage and grow housing production, increase housing affordability, reduce tenant displacement and attract innovative developments in high-resource areas.

The Department is doing crucial policy work that is designed to help achieve the City’s fair housing goals as outlined in the certified 6th Cycle (2021-2029) Housing Element. In addition to delivering on the goals of the Housing Element, the Department continues to meet other state mandates and is striving to ensure the City meets its overall housing needs.

Residents, community partners and stakeholders are invited to learn more and provide valuable input as it relates to the various housing policy initiatives at three upcoming forums listed below.

Housing Policy Forums

  • Saturday, August 24, 10:00  11:30am
    • Houghton Park Community Center, 6301 Myrtle Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 
    • RVSP
  • Wednesday, August 28, 6:00 – 7:30pm
    • Long Beach Energy Resources Auditorium, 2400 Spring St. 90806
    • RSVP
  • Thursday, September 12, 6:00 – 7:30pm
    • McBride Park Community Center, 1550 Martin Luther King Jr Ave, 90813 
    • RSVP

Interpretation will be provided in Spanish and other languages by request. Feedback garnered at the community forums will help further the development of several housing amendments and policy initiatives currently being evaluated by the City as listed below:  

Overview of the Proposed Housing Policy Changes

This policy currently requires housing developers to include affordable housing units in otherwise market-rate housing developments in Downtown and Midtown.  City staff recommends expanding Inclusionary Housing citywide, updating the affordability requirements to include a mix of very-low, low- and moderate-income affordability levels, and other technical changes to the policy. Learn more here.
A citywide effort aimed at implementing the General Plan Land Use Element as well as the General Plan Housing Element. The ongoing Zone In initiative aims to implement broad and flexible land use reform and improved development standards to better meet community needs. To date, certain corridors in North and West Long Beach have been rezoned and updated zoning regulations are pending for the Bixby Knolls, City Core, Wrigley, Southern and portions of North Long Beach. Learn more here.
In October 2023, the State of California adopted Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) requiring all counties and cities in the state to adopt streamlined approval process for housing development projects on any land owned by an independent institution of higher education or religious institution. City staff is evaluating the implications of a Religious Facility Overlay and gathering input as the ongoing effort to create an overlay continues.
The PD-30 and PD-6 areas are roughly bounded by the LA River, Alamitos Avenue, Anaheim Street and the shoreline are currently in the early stages of review. City staff is analyzing issues, opportunities, historic preservation context, and other impacts from the past 10-years to help develop strategies that will support the next decade of growth while complying with state and coastal legislation. Learn more about the Downtown Plan updates and the Shoreline Plan updates.
On May 21, 2024, the City Council adopted amendments to the Just Cause for Termination of Tenancies Ordinance—the City’s tenant protection policy—bringing it into alignment with recent changes made by the State. City staff is recommending additional changes to further strengthen tenant protections, including increasing the relocation assistance amount for all no-fault just causes. Learn more here.
The Omnibus Housing Code Update is a batch of minor amendments to zoning regulations based on emergency provisions, housing element action items, and state laws.
Consistent with state legislation, the City is mandated to allow ADU and SB 9 Units. The ADU and SB 9 Initiative proposes a clear and concise update to the City’s existing ADU Ordinance as well as introduce a new SB 9 Ordinance that is reflective of the community needs while simultaneously supporting housing development. Learn more here.
The Housing Element Mid-Cycle Analysis takes a holistic approach to monitoring the success and implementation of the Housing Element. Results from the analysis will be presented to City Council and factored into needed adjustments to programs, keeping them on-track to meeting their objectives by Fall of 2025. Learn more here.

Share Your Feedback

Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of housing policy in Long Beach. Please fill out this form to share any comments or feedback on these housing policy initiatives.


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