Community Development

Historic Context Statements

The City of Long Beach Planning Bureau has prepared its first-ever historic context statement focused on race and suburbanization. The City is now updating the 2009 citywide Historic Context StatementThese documents are important resources that will guide future planning and land-use decisions and will enable those decisions to be rooted in a deeper understanding of the city’s history and evolution to help fill historical gaps and provide information about communities of color and other underrepresented communities. Such documents are used by City staff and professionals as they determine which buildings and places must be protected through historic preservation in order to appropriately convey the city’s complete and inclusive local history.

The Race & Suburbanization Historic Context Statement was approved by the Cultural Heritage Commission on August 30, 2022 and went before the Planning Commission on October 6, 2022, and was received and filed by City Council on November 1, 2022.

Why Update?

Long Beach’s Historic Context Statement was last updated in 2009. The update and the preparation of a new focused historic context statement on Race and Suburbanization offer an opportunity to tell a more inclusive story about the City’s history. These documents can offer an in-depth look at Long Beach’s rich community and culture, the experiences of communities of color during periods of segregation and during the Civil Rights era, the evolution of our neighborhoods throughout the late Twentieth Century and Long Beach’s wealth of Mid-Century architecture. With this project, the City of Long Beach hopes to expand its understanding of our neighborhoods and places which may be eligible for historic designation and other historic preservation programs. In particular, the City hopes to further develop its record of sites affiliated with underrepresented and under-recognized communities across the city.

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